AppleScriptObjective-C (ASOC) Routines
AppleScriptObjective-C applets, created in the AppleScript Editor via the File > New From Templates menu, have the ability to access the power of the native Cocoa libraries of OS X, from within the AppleScript code of the applet or droplet. The example sub-routines on this page can only be used in AppleScriptObjective-C (ASOC) applets.
For a detailed overview of how AppleScriptObjective-C is used to create applications, click here.
Replacing Characters in a String
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSString Cocoa class to find and replace a specified string within text.
A sub-routine for replacing occurrences of a specified string in text.
on findAndReplaceStringInText(sourceText, searchString, replacementString)
-- create a Cocoa string from the passed AppleScript string
set the sourceString to current application's NSString's stringWithString_(sourceText)
-- call a Cocoa string replacement method on the newly created Cocoa string
set the adjustedString to ¬
the sourceString's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString_withString_(searchString, replacementString)
-- convert from Cocoa string to AppleScript string
return (adjustedString as string)
end findAndReplaceStringInText
Trim White Space Around String
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSString Cocoa class to trim spaces and tabs from both sides of the text passed to the routine.
A sub-routine for trimming spaces and tabs from both sides of the text passed to the routine.
on trimWhiteSpaceAroundString(sourceText)
-- create Cocoa string from passed AppleScript string
set the sourceString to current application's NSString's stringWithString_(sourceText)
-- trim white space around Cocoa string
set the trimmedCocoaString to ¬
sourceString's stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet_(current application's NSCharacterSet's whitespaceCharacterSet)
-- return result coerced to an AppleScript string
return (trimmedCocoaString as string)
end trimWhiteSpaceAroundString
Change the Case of Text
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSString Cocoa class to change the case of the text passed to the sub-routine.
A sub-routine for changing the case of the text passed to the routine. Case indicator: 0 = UPPER CASE; 1 = lower case; 2 = Capitalized Words
on changeCaseOfText(sourceText, caseIndicator)
-- create a Cocoa string from the passed text, by calling the NSString class method stringWithString:
set the sourceString to current application's NSString's stringWithString_(sourceText)
-- apply the indicated transformation to the Cocoa string
if the caseIndicator is 0 then
set the adjustedString to sourceString's uppercaseString()
else if the caseIndicator is 1 then
set the adjustedString to sourceString's lowercaseString()
set the adjustedString to sourceString's capitalizedString()
end if
-- convert from Cocoa string to AppleScript string
return (adjustedString as string)
end changeCaseOfText
Convert a List to a String
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSArray Cocoa class to convert an AppleScript list of strings into a single AppleScript string. Optionally, the list items can be divided by a delimiter string passed to the routine.
A sub-routine for converting an AppleScript list of strings into a single string.
on listToStringUsingTextItemDelimiter(sourceList, textItemDelimiter)
-- create a Cocoa array from the passed AppleScript list
set the CocoaArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray_(sourceList)
-- create a Cocoa string from the Cocoa array using the passed delimiter string
set the CocoaString to CocoaArray's componentsJoinedByString_(textItemDelimiter)
-- return the Cocoa string coerced into an AppleScript string
return (CocoaString as string)
end listToStringUsingTextItemDelimiter
Sort a List of Strings
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSArray Cocoa class to sort an AppleScript list of strings.
A sub-routine for sorting an AppleScript list of strings.
on sortListOfStrings(sourceList)
-- create a Cocoa array from the passed AppleScript list
set the CocoaArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray_(sourceList)
-- sort the Cocoa array
set the sortedItems to CocoaArray's sortedArrayUsingSelector_("localizedStandardCompare:")
-- return the Cocoa array coerced to an AppleScript list
return (sortedItems as list)
end sortListOfStrings
Encode String using Percent Encoding
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSString Cocoa class to encode an AppleScript string using percent encoding.
A sub-routine for encoding text using percent encoding.
on encodeUsingPercentEncoding(sourceText)
-- create a Cocoa string from the passed text, by calling the NSString class method stringWithString:
set the sourceString to current application's NSString's stringWithString_(sourceText)
-- apply the indicated transformation to the Cooca string
set the adjustedString to ¬
the sourceString's stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding_(current application's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
-- coerce from Cocoa string to AppleScript string
return (adjustedString as string)
end encodeUsingPercentEncoding
Decode String using Percent Encoding
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSString Cocoa class to decode an AppleScript string using percent encoding.
A sub-routine for decoding text that has been previously encoded using percent encoding.
on decodePercentEncoding(sourceText)
-- create a Cocoa string from the passed text, by calling the NSString class method stringWithString:
set the sourceString to current application's NSString's stringWithString_(sourceText)
-- apply the indicated transformation to the Cooca string
set the adjustedString to ¬
the sourceString's stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding_(current application's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
-- coerce from Cocoa string to AppleScript string
return (adjustedString as string)
end decodePercentEncoding
Convert Number to Decimal Value String
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSNumberFormatter Cocoa class to convert a number to a string by returning a comma delimited, rounded, localized decimal value, e.g.: (3.64525432506E+5 to 0 places = 364525) (3.64525432506E+5 to 3 places = 364525.433) (0.2375 to 2 places = 0.24).
A sub-routine for decoding text that has been previously encoded using percent encoding.
on convertNumberToDecimalValueString(thisNumber, maxDecimalPlaces)
if maxDecimalPlaces is greater than 0 then
set decimalIndicators to "."
repeat maxDecimalPlaces times
set decimalIndicators to decimalIndicators & "#"
end repeat
set decimalIndicators to ""
end if
set thisFormatter to current application's NSNumberFormatter's alloc()'s init()
tell thisFormatter to setFormat_("0" & decimalIndicators)
set resultingText to thisFormatter's stringFromNumber_(thisNumber)
return (resultingText as string)
end convertNumberToDecimalValueString
Convert Number to Percentage Value String
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSNumberFormatter Cocoa class to return a string of number that is a comma delimited, rounded, localized percentage value, e.g.: (0.2345 = 23%) (0.2375 = 24%).
A sub-routine that returns comma delimited, rounded, localized percentage value, e.g.: (0.2345 = 23%) (0.2375 = 24%).
on convertNumberToPercentageValueString(thisNumber)
tell current application's NSNumberFormatter to set resultingText to ¬
localizedStringFromNumber_numberStyle_(thisNumber, current application's NSNumberFormatterPercentStyle)
return (resultingText as string)
end convertNumberToPercentageValueString
Convert Number to Currency Value String
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSNumberFormatter Cocoa class to return a string of number that is a comma delimited, rounded, localized currency value, e.g.: (9128 = $9,128.00) (9978.2485 = $9,128.25).
A sub-routine that returns a string of a numeric value in words, e.g: (23 = “twenty-three”) (23.75 = “twenty-three point seven five”).
on convertNumberToCurrencyValueString(thisNumber)
tell current application's NSNumberFormatter to ¬
set resultingText to localizedStringFromNumber_numberStyle_(thisNumber, current application's NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle)
return (resultingText as string)
end convertNumberToCurrencyValueString
Convert Number to Words
This ASOC sub-routine uses methods from the NSNumberFormatter Cocoa class to return a string of a numeric value in words, e.g: (23 = “twenty-three”) (23.75 = “twenty-three point seven five”).
A sub-routine that returns a string of a numeric value in words, e.g: (23 = “twenty-three”) (23.75 = “twenty-three point seven five”).
on convertNumberToWords(thisNumber)
tell current application's NSNumberFormatter to ¬
set resultingText to localizedStringFromNumber_numberStyle_(thisNumber, current application's NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle)
return (resultingText as string)
end convertNumberToWords