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BridgePlus.framework, SMSForder Class Methods


URL and File related methods




As resourceValuesForKeys:forFilesIn:recursive:skipHidden:skipInsidePackages:, but only return values for folders, not files and packages. Always includes the value for NSURLPathKey.


+ (NSArray *)resourceValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)resourceKeys forFoldersIn:(NSArray *)urlFolderOrPath recursive:(BOOL)recurseFlag skipHidden:(BOOL)hiddenFlag skipInsidePackages:(BOOL)skipInPackagesFlag


resourceKeys = array or list of resource keys

urlFileOrPath = alias, file, HFS path, POSIX path or NSURL

recurseFlag = whether to recurse through any folders

hiddenFlag = whether to ignore hidden items

skipInPackagesFlag = whether to include folders within file packages


Array of dictionaries/records of resource key values


Version 1.3.0




use scripting additions

use framework "Foundation"

use script "BridgePlus"

load framework

set urlFileOrPath to "~/Desktop"

set resourceKeys to {current application's NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey, current application's NSURLCreationDateKey}

set theResult to current application's SMSForder's resourceValuesForKeys:resourceKeys forFoldersIn:urlFileOrPath recursive:true skipHidden:true skipInsidePackages:true

ASify from theResult

--> {​​​​​{​​​​​​​NSURLCreationDateKey:date "Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 10:53:10 AM", ​​​​​​​_NSURLPathKey:"/Users/shane/Desktop/10.11 Changes", ​​​​​​​NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey:date "Friday, 25 September 2015 at 5:39:05 PM"​​​​​}, [...]}

theResult as list -- 10.11 only

--> {​​​​​{​​​​​​​NSURLCreationDateKey:date "Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 10:53:10 AM", ​​​​​​​_NSURLPathKey:"/Users/shane/Desktop/10.11 Changes", ​​​​​​​NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey:date "Friday, 25 September 2015 at 5:39:05 PM"​​​​​}, [...]}

theResult as list -- 10.9 and 10.10

--> {​​​​​{​​​​​​​NSURLCreationDateKey:(NSDate) 2015-06-09 00:53:10 +0000, ​​​​​​​_NSURLPathKey:"/Users/shane/Desktop/10.11 Changes", ​​​​​​​NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey:(NSDate) 2015-09-25 07:39:05 +0000​​​​​}, [...]}

set sortDesc to current application's NSSortDescriptor's sortDescriptorWithKey:(current application's NSURLCreationDateKey) ascending:true

set sortedValues to theResult's sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:{sortDesc}

set thePaths to sortedValues's valueForKey:(current application's NSURLPathKey)

ASify from thePaths

--> <recursive list of POSIX paths of folders sorted by creation date>

thePaths as list

--> <recursive list of POSIX paths of folders sorted by creation date>

thePaths as list -- 10.11 only

--> <recursive list of file references of folders on Desktop>

thePaths as list -- 10.9 and 10.10

--> <recursive list of NSURLs of folders on Desktop>

Click here to open script in a script editor